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Namespace ScannerDevice

Defined in: ScannerLib-Linea-2.0.0.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
ScannerDevice library to listen and set options to the Linea device.
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Deligate functions device will automatically execute when an event happens.
Allowed functions that scanner accepts.
Usefull constants.
This object contains info on the current state of device.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
You can turn the barcode engine off with this function.
barcodeType2Text(type, callback)
Helper function to get the name of barcodes by their code.
enableBarcode(Integer, enabled)
Enables or Disables a single barcode by it's ID.
Helper function to return the constant name of a barcode by it's ID.
getBarcodeTypeMode(callback, callback)
Gets the mode barcodes will be scanned in.
Retrieves the battery capacity in percent of Linea device.
Gets the voltage of the battery.
Checks if device is charging.
Gets the connection state of the device.
Gets the mode cards are received in.
Retreives the sync button mode (Very little documentation is given on this, so I am not even sure what it does.
isBarcodeEnabled(callback, barcode)
Check weather barcode is enabled or not.
isBarcodeSupported(callback, barcode)
Checks if barcode is supported.
msProcessFinancialCard(callback, track1, track2, track3)
Tries to process credit card info from a swipped card.
Plays a sound from the linea device.
Registers a listener to device.
sendCommand(command, args, callback, errorCallback)
Sends a command though cordova to the Linea Device.
Sets the mode to receive the barcodes in.
Set if you wish to charge iphone/ipod/ipad.
Sets the mode for the card swipper.
setScanBeep(enabled, See)
Sets the beep for when a barcode is scanned.
Sets if the button is enabled or disabled on the scanner.
Sets if the scanner will remain active after scanning barcode.
Starts the scanner on device.
Stops the scanner on device.
Unregisters a listener to device.
Namespace Detail
ScannerDevice library to listen and set options to the Linea device. Note that you must then register the object after it's been constructed or no events will be passed to function.
DeviceObject = new ScannerDevice({
	barcodeData: function (data, bar_type){
		alert('Barcode scanned with with data: '+data+' and of type: '+bar_type);
	magneticCardData: function (track1, track2, track3){
		alert('Card read with following data: '+track1+'\n'+track2+'\n'+track3);
	magneticCardRawData: function (data){
		alert('Raw data read from card reader: '+data);
	buttonPressed: function (button){
		// Currently device only registers 1 button.
		alert('Button was pressed');
	buttonReleased: function (button){
		// Currently device only registers 1 button.
		alert('Button was released');
	connectionState: function (state){
		alert('Scanner is now in state: '+state);
{Object} mappings
If you wish to set listeners, you do it here by passing the listener function here.
Field Detail
<static> ScannerDevice.allowedCallbacks
Deligate functions device will automatically execute when an event happens.

<static> ScannerDevice.allowedFunctions
Allowed functions that scanner accepts.

<static> ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS
Usefull constants.

<static> ScannerDevice.lastSettings
This object contains info on the current state of device. These variables will change based on when functions are executed out of library. Also when device disconnects and re-connects it will auto re-assign all options you already set.
Method Detail
You can turn the barcode engine off with this function. When the engine is turned back on it may take up to 2 seconds for device to be responsive again. (Don't play with this unless you know what you are doing.)
{Boolean} enabled
Weather to enable or disable engine.

barcodeType2Text(type, callback)
Helper function to get the name of barcodes by their code.
{Int} type
Barcode type to get name. See: ScannerDeice.CONSTANTS.BAR_TYPES.* for available barcodes.


enableBarcode(Integer, enabled)
Enables or Disables a single barcode by it's ID.
{Int} Integer
of barcode enableing/disableing (see ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.BAR_TYPES for mappings).
{Boolean} enabled
To enable or disable barcode.

{String|Null} getBarcodeConstName(barcode_id)
Helper function to return the constant name of a barcode by it's ID. *Note this function only works for non extended barcodes.
{Int} barcode_id
Barcode ID.
{String|Null} Constant name of barcode if exists.

getBarcodeTypeMode(callback, callback)
Gets the mode barcodes will be scanned in. See: ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.BARCODE_TYPE_*
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var bar_type_mode = params[0]; }

Retrieves the battery capacity in percent of Linea device.
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var percent = params[0]; }

Gets the voltage of the battery.
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var voltage = params[0]; }

Checks if device is charging.
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var charging = params[0]; }

Gets the connection state of the device.
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var state = params[0]; } // See ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.CONN_*

Gets the mode cards are received in. See: ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.MS_* for more info.
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var mode = params[0]; }

Retreives the sync button mode (Very little documentation is given on this, so I am not even sure what it does.)
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var sync_mode = params[0]; }

isBarcodeEnabled(callback, barcode)
Check weather barcode is enabled or not.
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var enabled = params[0]; }
{Int} barcode
Barcode to check if enabled. See ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.BAR_TYPES.* for available values.

isBarcodeSupported(callback, barcode)
Checks if barcode is supported.
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var supported = params[0]; }
{Int} barcode
Barcode to check if supported. See ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.BAR_TYPES.* for available values.

msProcessFinancialCard(callback, track1, track2, track3)
Tries to process credit card info from a swipped card.
{Function} callback
Callback to execute after info is received. Example: function (params) { var accountNumber = params[0].accountNumber, cardholderName = params[0].cardholderName, discretionaryData = params[0].discretionaryData, exirationMonth = params[0].exirationMonth, exirationYear = params[0].exirationYear, firstName = params[0].firstName, lastName = params[0].lastName, serviceCode = params[0].serviceCode; }
{String} track1
Data from track1.
{String} track2
Data from track2.
{String} track3
Data from track3.

Plays a sound from the linea device.
{Array} sounds
Sound to play. This can be in the following formats: [frequency,duration,frequency,duration,...] or [[frequency,duration], [frequency,duration], ...] or [{frequency: xxx, duration: xxx}, {frequency: xxx, duration: xxx}, ...] Note: This argument cannot exceed 5 sounds at a time (10 array elements).

<static> ScannerDevice.registerListener(obj)
Registers a listener to device.
{ScannerDevice} obj
ScannerDevice object to listen to device on.

sendCommand(command, args, callback, errorCallback)
Sends a command though cordova to the Linea Device. See each individual functions for available commands
{String} command
Command to send to device.
{Array} args
Arguments to send along with command.
{Function} callback
Success callback function. Callback contains 1 arguments containing an array of arguments.
{Function} errorCallback
Error callback function. Callback contains 1 arguments containing an array of arguments.

Sets the mode to receive the barcodes in.
{Int} type
The mode to receive the barcodes in. See: ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.BARCODE_TYPE_*

Set if you wish to charge iphone/ipod/ipad.
{Boolean} enabled
Weather to enable or disable charging.

Sets the mode for the card swipper.
{Int} Mode
to put the swipper in. See: ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.MS_* for availale options.

setScanBeep(enabled, See)
Sets the beep for when a barcode is scanned.@argument
{Boolean} enabled
Weather scanner beep is enabled or not.
{Array} See
ScannerLibrary#playSound for more info.

Sets if the button is enabled or disabled on the scanner.
{Boolean} enabled
Weather to enable or disable the button.

Sets if the scanner will remain active after scanning barcode.
{Int} mode
Mode to scan in. See: ScannerDevice.CONSTANTS.MODE_*

Starts the scanner on device.

Stops the scanner on device. (if scanning)

<static> ScannerDevice.unregisterListener(obj)
Unregisters a listener to device.
{ScannerDevice} obj
ScannerDevice object to unregister with library.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Sun Sep 30 2012 19:49:48 GMT-0500 (CDT)